What will the school of the future look like?

From climate change to AI and new work - our world is undergoing a radical change. To meet the challenges of the 21st century, we must transform education.

Welcome to
X School!

At X-School, a team of artists, entrepreneurs, scientists, and education experts have come together to design the school of the future.

Our mission: Establish a global network of schools that provide a sustainable education for tomorrow's leaders and changemakers, regardless of social status, financial need, or background.


Our vision for your child

We envision our students as happy and successful global citizens fulfilling productive lives in the 21st century.

Diversity, excellence, and well-being are too often seen as contradictions in the education landscape. We are striving and stepping up to bring them together in harmony.

Learn Life

We all went to school, but what life lessons did we really take away from our educational experiences?

In a multi-year longitudinal study, we took a close look at life itself.

20+ experts 100+ studies  10+ surveys 30+ observations


What can we learn from the knowledge and experiences of past generations?


What distinguishes Generation Alpha?


Under which conditions will students shape their lives?

Competencies of the future

To lead a successful life in the 21st century, students at X-School learn the following competencies:

Inner world
Strategic thinking Self-leadership Entrepreneurship Metacognition Creativity Adaptability
Outer world
Communication Collaboration Leadership Global identity
Technological world
Technology use Technology development Tech-life balance
Spiritual world
Mindfulness Compassion Spiritual competence

Our Framework

How will your children learn in the school of the future? To find answers, we

  • Visited over 30 schools worldwide

  • Consulted more than 20 international education experts

  • Analyzed over 100 studies

  • Conducted nationwide surveys of parents and young people

  • Worked with educators, social workers, and psychologists

  • Involved diversity-, well-being- and high performance-specialists

Together we have developed a concept for all dimensions of our school.

The most important elements of our framework:

School culture

The core of the school system is the school culture. Our values determine our attitudes.

Learning principles

Evidence-based learning: In the 21st century, we know a lot about what effective learning looks like through the work of educators, neuroscientists, and educational researchers.


The students are at the center. They transform from participants, who are provided with information through differentiated instruction of teachers, into empowered global citizens with increasing independence, who have the competence to act and shape their own lives.


The strongest of concepts will not flourish without the people who embody it and bring it to life, such as teachers, families, psychologists, educators, and external experts.


As a comprehensive school, the X-School in NRW (Germany) makes all qualifications possible - from the first school-leaving certificate (i.e., diploma) after the 9th grade, to the extended diploma, and the intermediate diploma certificate (‘Fachoberschulreife’) after the 10th grade, to the highest school degree, the 'Abitur'.

Languages in the curriculum

Dynamic language development is achieved in the curriculum through instruction in the national language, world languages, and first languages. And what about communication between humans and machines? Coding as a language is also learned starting in the 5th grade.

Coaching and mentoring

A flexible and dynamic curriculum needs supportive structures. What follows is a description of three learning management programs that help students navigate the school years through the promotion of holistic learning outcomes, transparent performance documentation, and individual potential development.

Learning school

The world and human knowledge are constantly growing and changing. Intra-school experiences, scientific discoveries, societal upheavals, and technological developments - we ensure that X-School is continuously evolving.



Babak Ghassim
Founder & Managing Director
Artist & Creative Director of RebellComedy
Vivian Breucker
Process Support
EduExpert for Integral Organizational Development
Annika Emmerichs
Project Engineer
Industrial Engineer & Business Transformation Manager
Asli Tuna
Project Manager
Project Lead Education & Family Center
Iaad Kweider
Zohair Dehnadi
Founder & Managing Director
Anke Mandelka-Wolfering
Expert school foundation and refinancing
Managing Director Faktum Schule UG
Dr. Matthias Reiser
Consultant & Entrepreneur
Bahman Nedaei


Prof. Karim Fereidooni
School & racism researcher
Norbert Hillinger
Trend researcher & futurologist
New Work
Dr. Sohrab Salimi
Physician, founder & CEO "Agile Academy"
Manuela Mohr
CEO "Education Innovation Lab"
and many more


In our blog we deal with the current educational landscape, with school as a holistic concept and with learning in general. We also share our impressions from everyday life and the questions and challenges that come along with it.

Follow us on social media


The X-School is open to people of all worldviews, nationalities, and religions, regardless of their social status. It is important that the parents trust their children and their abilities to learn in a self-determined way.

No. Behind the X-School are many different people with different religions and diverse life stories. That is why we want to be open to all people who want to learn together with us. Together we will also talk about our differences and learn to recognize and accept them.

Yes, because we see the potential in all students. We are therefore happy to accept students with special learning or support needs. Admission can only be made according to the nature of the needs and our possibilities to answer them (premises, staff, learning group structure) and is decided individually through a process of getting to know one another together with the parents and internal and external experts.

As a recognized alternative school in the form of a ‘Gesamtschule’, we offer all the qualifications of the German education system (secondary level I and II). Students can opt for the first school leaving certificate after grade 9, the extended first school leaving certificate after grade 10, the intermediate school leaving certificate (‘Fachoberschulreife’) or the highest degree the ‘Abitur’.

Yes and no. We cover all the prescribed content from the public curriculum but prepare it in a different way. The students work on problem-based projects and thus learn the content in a context that is relevant to their lives.

We are planning several locations in Germany and internationally. The first X-School will start in NRW (Germany) in the summer of 2025. Other locations will then follow.

In the first X-School in NRW (Germany) we will not charge any school fees as this school is founded as a state-approved alternative school. In order to be able to finance the special aspects of the school, there is a voluntary parental contribution that is determined and scaled according to income.

The first X-School in NRW (Germany) is an all-day school. On at least three days a week, extended care is offered until the afternoon.


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