
" The X-School contributes to transform the vision of education into reality. "

Prof. Karim Fereidooni
School & racism researcher

" There are few future markets more important than education. While most initiatives focus on professional education, there are still too few serious projects today that deal with the long-term future of schools. As a trend and futurologist, but also as a father of two schoolchildren, I am keen to change that by supporting X-School. "

Norbert Hillinger
Trend researcher & futurologist

" I support the X-School because, especially as someone with a top education as a doctor, I know what weaknesses our current education system has. If we want to remain the country of poets and thinkers, we have to rethink school and the education of our children. This is exactly what the X-School is doing. "

Dr. Sohrab Salimi
Physician, founder & CEO "Agile Academy"

" The X-School is one of the most innovative concepts for a forward-looking school. It is extremely important that there are courageous people who are fundamentally committed to 21st century education. I support the X-School so that sustainable education becomes accessible for all children. "

Manuela Mohr
CEO "Education Innovation Lab"

" An equal opportunity future needs actors who think outside the established box in order to create new opportunities - and this equal opportunity future needs an education system that does not passively lecture, but supports students in recognizing their own strengths and promoting them appropriately. This is the foundation for all of us who work with children, adolescents and young adults. "

Kadim Tas
CEO holding organization JOBLINGE & managing director gAG FrankfurtRheinMain

" I grew up as a black and stateless girl in the German school system. The idea of how much easier and more beautiful I could have experienced school - without stubborn prejudices and structural hurdles - is incredibly liberating. I am happy for every child who will experience this kind of education and freedom at X-School in the future. "

Christiana Bukalo
Social entrepeneur & co-founder "Statefree"

" I support X-School with deep conviction because it creates a unique learning environment where every student is seen, heard and valued and grows into a global citizen."

Dr. Reza Hafiz
Physician, lawyer & board member at the Institute for HealthCare Management at the University of Marburg

" As a migrakid, as a founder, as a citizen of the world who sees the incredible challenges we are facing as humanity right now, I can't help but support meeting spaces like the X-School. The X-School starts where on the one hand there is the greatest potential and at the same time the neglect is the greatest: our children."

Waldemar Zeiler
Activist & founder "Einhorn"

" The X-School as a school of the future will meet the challenges of the 21st century. Because in the future, schools must bear responsibility for all students regardless of sexual orientation, origin, skin color, religion and or impairment. "

Layla Bürk
Speaker & trainer for teachers

" X-School tinkers, motivates and includes. These are the 3 most important qualities for me, that's why I support X-School. "

Ali Can
Activist, author & diversity trainer

" The world must change, and so must our schools. The School of the Future shows us the way forward and gives hope for a better future - because the future begins with our children. "

Emilia Roig
Author, political scientist & founder of the Center for Intersectional Justice (CIJ)

" X-School: Cool, authentic and contemporary. This is where education for life in the 21st century takes place."

Rico Monero
Founder & CEO "Heartbus"

" In Germany, social background still very much determines the educational success of young people. The pandemic has certainly exacerbated this imbalance in recent years. Are these acceptable conditions for our country in the 21st century? Absolutely not! As a learning organization, a school must adapt to the demands of migration-related changes in a sustainable manner. To combat precisely these grievances and to offer a way out of this misery is what the X-School envisions as a model for a school of the future. I was particularly impressed by the three pillars: "diversity, excellence and well-being". In order to decouple educational success from social and cultural background, the X-Schule with its vision and pillars is exactly the right address for young people, parents and teachers. Good luck and good success! "

Ahmet Atasoy
State coordinator of the network of migrant teachers NRW

" Good education is the cornerstone of a sustainable society. In the face of diverse global and national challenges, education must be thought of in a new, holistic, complexity-appropriate way. I support the X-School because it advances precisely this and is characterized by an innovative, very well thought-out concept that is accessible to everyone. "

Dr. Karim P. Fathi
Resilience and peace researcher

" I support the X-School because I firmly believe that responsibility means commitment. Only together can we create a better future that is accessible to all, with a multi-layered approach. And what can be better than fair and racism-free education, which allows as few blind spots as possible. "

Erkan Inan
Founder und co-curator "AusARTen - Change of Perspective through Art"

Prof. Mona Massoumi
Education and migration researcher, former teacher

Verena Frederike Hasel
Psychologist & author

Recep Nuri Arbursu
Airbus project manager for business improvement and digitalization, lecturer at International University and FOM & drone researcher

Corinna Thierhoff
Education innovator & initiator "Rebels Academy"

Hamza Haimami
Art director for international stars like Rihanna & Justin Timberlake