Learning school
The world and human knowledge is constantly growing and changing. Internal school developments, new scientific discoveries, social upheavals and technological developments - all of these can influence teaching. In order not to lose touch with reality, the school system must always remain open to input from within itself and the world for which it educates students.
X-School defines itself as a lifelong learning school. To ensure that the X-School never stops evolving, within each school we install a research and development manager and outside the school the body X-Labs, consisting of educators, researchers, entrepreneurs and artists from all over the world.
The concrete task of both bodies is the continuous development of our school based on:
Feedback and evaluation data from students, teachers, and parents
Research results from various sciences
Changes in society
Technical possibilities
(Intercultural) trainings of the staff
In cooperation between X-Labs and the X-School the following circular process of continuous development results: