Languages in the curriculum
Language development is the basic prerequisite for being able to communicate with others. But language is also fundamental to one's own development. Many different developmental processes are based on language development and the presence of at least one basic language. In most cases, this is the first language, i.e., the one that is primarily spoken at home. It is precisely how this language is developed that forms the basis for how other languages are learned. But it also goes beyond that. The development of the basic language serves as the basis for how other concepts, for example mathematical understanding and more complex concepts of other subjects, such as science, but also music and art can be grasped.
At X-School, we see every language that students bring with them as an asset. We are aware of the importance of the first language and are experienced in dealing with multilingualism.
At the X-School, as a place of cosmopolitanism, languages are taught in a way that recognizes that forms of learning in the national language, in the world language, and in the first language converge here, and that internal differentiation aimed at potential must take place systematically.
German as a national language and language of instruction
The skillful use of German as a national language and language of instruction is important to us at X-School. The students should be able to communicate with people in German at a high linguistic level and adapt to the situation.
English as a world language
Since English is not only the most widely spoken world language, but also the language of the digital world, English is retained as the first foreign language. In individual sections of the projects, the workshops and inputs, but also in the cooperation with experts, bilingual formats (German-English) are deliberately offered consistently.
Post-migrant first languages
Many parents, as well as adolescents and young adults of diverse backgrounds, have reported to us that the negation of their own cultural roots to have never learned the language of their parents or grandparents to a depth that they should in German. They often attend(ed) classes on weekends or vacations, spoke colloquially with friends or relatives, but could rarely express themselves academically, formally, or even poetically orally, let alone in writing. They sometimes felt segregated because their buddies could do other things during this time, while they often had to cram Turkish, Arabic, or Russian under traditional learning methods. For many, this kind of extra learning under pressure damaged their love for the language of their roots as it was not seen as something positive at school and then, in addition, it caused dissatisfaction in the family. Young people, especially, found this situation very difficult in finding their own identity.
At X-School, we understand this dynamic and deliberately do not want to work against it, but rather strive to meet the children's need to learn. We know that first language support (mother tongue and/or father tongue) is the foundation for any further language development and learning of other languages. Therefore, we offer first language support for the students within the school and in addition, for the larger groups of students, we also offer these languages in more depth as additional languages. In addition to French or Spanish, Turkish, Arabic, Persian, Russian or Bulgarian and Mandarin can be chosen. Based on the learning needs of the students, they can then choose additional foreign languages and continue until graduation. The chosen languages can also be used for parts of the projects, the Expo, and other learning outcomes. Exchanges with other students around the world are encouraged so that students not only learn the languages theoretically, but also practice with first language speakers in the respective countries.
For example, a language sequence for the state of NRW (Germany) might look like this:

And what about communication with machines?
Coding is learned just like English from the 5th grade onwards.